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Troy Small
生于 Montana
35 years
Edwina~Troy Mitchells mum
I light this candle in your memory may it burn bright forever in honor of you dear Troy ✫ღ✫
to: Troy Small
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shay heart sank ne too late February 24, 2013
The call came to kirby saloon there was a DOA in kirby I knew it was u then and there. As mom ang I came around the corner past lenhards I saw all the lights." Too late to apologize" was playin. From your house amist all the cops and ems people debbie and arnie stopped and told me you were gone I held it together all the way to gramma vi's grave where I sat and remembered our lives together. I realized There was no things left unsaid b-tween us. My first memory was when u got outa jail in crow, In the garage at the house we hugged each other w-out saying a word brothers we were and brothers we are. watch over us in the days to come troy. I fear the thing we both feared the most? Happy huntin grounds as gramma jenny would say.
Doreen Birdtail MAMA December 21, 2011
my son i just miss you so uch right now and always iwant you to know i amgoing
will always be there for you and my grand kiids and that  with god's help we
will survive and carry on your legacy, uour strength, courage,it's  all that matters, right now.   there are times when i want to see you and see your BIG WONDERFUL SMILE AND JUST KNOW THAT EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OKAY, AND IT WILL.
i remeber this one time were before this whole indident happened my dad threw villan and tideders out,our cats. but the mustiv been still mad when he took them back inside i was sleeping on the couch and him and tara were sleeping on the bed AND THOSE CATS PEED ALL OVER THERE LEGS!!!! my dad was soooo mad at the time that he chased those cats around the trailer he had hahaha!!! that is a memories i love to chairish time to time... if he was here right now he would be laughing hahaha .... my dad may be forgotten on earth but not in our hearts.... my dad to me he was the most strongest man ever hahaha i felt sooo safe and secure with him!!!! i looked up to him knowing how smart he was...DAD I LOOOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART and to me ur the most strongest man to me and the smartest!!! and yeah you made mistakes in ur life but ur my dad and i love you and look up to still  I LOVE YOU :")
i would like to thank the creator of this website.  this is an awesome website.  as i watch the slide show & listen to the song... i can't help but let the tears go.  Troy was such an awesome friend.  we were very close for a few years.  i helped him up when he was down & he was not hesitant to do the same for me.  i considered him my brother & my best friend.  our path's seperated towards the end of his life, but he still came to visit me.  we had some very deep conversations but mostly alot of laughs as we remembered different highlights we had spent together.  he was the only person i could confide in, he would never go behind my back & tell everyone.  he said one time it was probably because he forgot all about it after it was over.  i'm really missing him right now, haven't been able to find someone as cool as him to replace that friendship.  there's like this big empty space & it really get's to aching at times, only the thoughts of troy are able to bandage it over.  *hugz* to swayde, ryder & alaia.. i love you guys...
Brandi Bends

I want my nephews Swayd and Ryder keep the memory of their father alive.I believe it's important to remember not just the mistakes he made in life; because we all make those. But that he was a loving father, son, brother, nephew and grandson. He didn't try to pretend to be anything that he wasn't.

When we were kids I always looked up to Troy. You could always talk to him and count on his words of advice, even if it wasn't what you wanted to here. With time we grew apart, choosing different paths in life. But I will never forget the big brother I looked up to and his no bullshit kinda way lol.

You will always be remembered bro.



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